eCommerce Website Cornwall
Sharkfin Media not only build standard websites but also build fully featured e-commerce websites
Our latest ecommerce site was completed recently for John East, a manufacturer of bass guitar pre-amps. Magento is the industry standard for online shopping systems offering a variety of features. They include:
- Detailed category and product definitions including
- Multiple images per product
- Product attributes i.e. size, colour, type etc.
- Image zoom function
- Variable pricing relating to product attributes
- Fully configurable shipping costs by weight or price
- Customer account signup
eCommerce Secure Backend
Magento allows the site owner secure access to the category and product definitions so that the client is able to add/amend/remove new categories and products without any intervention from their web designer.
Ecommerce Site Rebuild

John’s original site was Flash based but due to the limitations of Flash in relation to Google and Apples iOS it was decided to rebuild the site using Magento. Photographs were taken of all John’s products from multiple angles to be used within the site.
The logo used in the site was developed by Sharkfin Media. We took the original logo which was in 2D and developed a fully rendered 3D version.
eCommerce Product Variations
The East bass guitar products each have different variants which we were able to describe within Magento enabling customers to select the product of their choice, in the version of their choice. Once their shopping carts were filled and they then headed to the checkout portion of the website where we were able to fully integrate John’s preferred secure online payment gateway, Worldpay.
On completing the secure purchase the client is then directed back to the parent site, upon which the sales status is updated giving John all the information he needs about the order including:
- Names of products ordered
- Variant and prices
- Purchasers details including name, email and address
At this point the money has safely changed hands and the site owner is then able to prepare the products for shipping.
Visit the new site here